Strategic Plan APPROVED!

Issue Date: 
Oct 2022
Summer Issue: 
File Uploads

We are a congregation firmly committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but instead of insisting on any single interpretation we invite each other to share his/her/their own faith and spirituality so that the whole body may be nurtured mutually.

We are an Open and Affirming congregation welcoming persons of any age, race, sexual orientation, nationality, economic circumstance, or physical or mental ability.  "God accepts all the do we."

Worship Services begin at 10 a.m. Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of every month. Children begin the morning in the sanctuary with their families and after the Children's Message they go with their teachers to Sunday School. Infant/toddler care provided every week.


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 Other News

Field Trip to New Mormon Temple by GYMM

Eight members of the Young Adult Group, soon to be GYMM (Generation Y and Millennial  Ministries), toured the Hartford Connecticut Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of ...

Bible Fun Shops and Bibles for our 4th & 5th Graders

NEW to Spring Glen are Bible Funshops

On Oct 16 and 23, a parent (or grandparent) was asked to come to Sunday School with their 4th or 5th grader after the Children's Message. Together they had many hands-on experiences with activities, games and puzzles and creating bookmarks. The purpose of the Bible Fun Shop is for the 4th and 5th graders to gain more...

Pastor Jack's Notes: "Overheard at Spring Glen Church"

Your friends might ask what it’s like at Spring Glen Church. And those of you who haven’t been able to make it to church in a while may wonder what’s been happening. Well, here are a few choice moments that give you a taste of what SGC is all about:


November 2016 Springboard

Click here to download the November 2016 Springboard. Included in this issue:

  • Pastor Jack's "Overheard at Spring Glen Church" observations
  • "You are Called" Stewarship reflection
  • Women's Retreat planning for March 2017
  • Thanksgiving baskets collection
  • ...

Pastor Jack's notes: Growth v. Change

“I planted, you watered, but God gave the growth.”...

S'more Roast & Lawn Games 2016

It was warm, but it was fun! The marshmallows were roasted, the lawn games were active, and the conversations were enriching!
