Fellowship Committee


The Fellowship Committee is responsible for hosting the Fellowship Hour which is one of the most integral portions of our Sunday worship experience held after worship each week.  Fellowship Hour offers visitors their first opportunity to meet our congregation, while also providing current members and friends an opportunity to share and socialize.  None of this would be possible without the hosts who make coffee and clean up each week.  One Fellowship Committee member each week coordinates with two families from the Congregation and serves coffee or iced tea and selected food to create a welcoming atmosphere. 

Each summer, the Committee sends a letter to the Congregation asking members to complete a Fellowship Hour Pledge Form.  Each church family commits to assisting with Fellowship Hour once a year. The Committee creates a year-long schedule based on this letter and the Fellowship Committee Coordinator manages this schedule. 

The Committee also maintains supplies needed for Fellowship Hour using funds allocated in the Church Hospitality budget.  The Committee also manages several celebration Sundays which happen during the church year and call for special food or beverages.

Click here to see the schedule of upcoming Fellowship Hour hosts
